
Monday, August 10, 2009

ever have one of those days where everything you did was wrong?

i'm having at the very least, one of those years. maybe in my past life i was a real prick, or maybe the next one is gonna be really good.


Thursday, August 06, 2009

it's funny that i am still reeling from the effects of last spring.

madly in love with a girl, to find out (incorrectly) that she is unavailable, so i turn my attentions elsewhere, crash and burn, find out that the first girl was available after all, it all comes back and more

only now she's unavailable again. i need to find the little part inside of me that feels desire, and drown it in alcohol.

finally i learn to express myself, finally i am able to tell someone and finally she is interested, only it's too late.

oh well. at least i know that this spring will be much tamer in comparison.

Monday, August 03, 2009

ever had one of those moments where you feel like every major decision you made in your life was wrong?

well i'm having that moment, over and over again, like groundhog day...

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